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Marc Chagall and the Bible: Marc Chagall's Out-of-series Biblical works
Mystical Crucifixion (D.L.M. 250, n. 27-28). Original color lithograph, 1950. c. 1000 impressions signed in the stone; published in the deluxe art review, Derriere le Miroir in 1950. Chagall began doing paintings of the Crucifixion after Stalin started purging Jews in the armny and the government and continued after the Nazis began the Holocaust, perhaps as a reminder that there were times in the past when the full power of the state was turned against Jewish rabbis and their followers. It may be significant that this is one of the first two color lithographs that Chagall drew directly on the stone and that it came shortly after Israel's war for independence led to a troubled peace. Included in the 1982 catalogue raisonné of Derriere le Miroir as an original lithograph and mentioned as one of Chagall’s first two solo efforts at color lithography in a 1977 memoir by Aimee Maeght, Chagall’s dealer from 1950 on, and the one who sent him to Mourlot’s lithography workshop to learn how to do all of the color stones for his lithographs, thereby starting a collaborative relationship with Charles Sorlier, master-printer at Mourlot, with whom he would work until his death in 1986. From late 2008 to January 2009, another impression of this lithograph was be on display at the Museum of Biblical Art (Broadway and 61st Street in New York City) in an exhibition entitled Chagall's Bible: Mystical Storytelling, a title so good I wish I had thought of it first. Although our print was not in the show (because it was on the walls in our Chagall show), the photograph of this work included in the brochure for MOBIA's show, provided by us, is of our impression (as were three other photographs in their brochure). MOBIA's wall label interestingly suggested that the woman with the female child on the right of the composition were Chagall's first wife, Bella, and his daughter, Ida. No separate signed & numbered edition exists; with the centerfold as always. Image size: 360x520mm. Price: SOLD.
Impression without complimentary signature available. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
The tree of Jesse (M. 297). Original color lithograph, 1960. 90 signed & numbered impressions + c. 1500 unsigned impressions. Executed the same year as Chagall's second suite of color lithographs for the Bible published in Verve, this rare night scene glows with brilliant colors not seen much after this date, as Chagall's palate went pastel. Hard to find! Image size: 320x250mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Mother and Child at the Eiffel Tower (M. 94). Original color lithograph, 1954. 75 signed and numbered impressions plus 2500 impressions signed in the plate. Published in a special number of the deluxe art review Derriere le Miroir dedicated to Chagall's vision of Paris. Image size: 310x260mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Pour Vava plate 13: David plays for King Saul (Cramer 1992, n. 142). Original tampon sec (or scratch lithograph), 1984. This late work is part of a love note from Chagall to his wife, Vava (Valentina). Edition: 10 signed and numbered impressions. Chagall coated a stone with black lithographic ink, scatched a drawing into the ink with a sharp-pointed stylus, laid the paper face-down upon the stone and rubbed the reverse until the ink transferred to the paper (see William M. Ivins, Jr. How Prints Look (Boston: Beacon Press, 1958, p. 17). This work was shown in Nice in a celebration of Chagall's long collaboration with Gerald Cramer (see Patrick Cramer, Marc ChagallGerald Cramer, Trente ans de travail et d'amitie [Geneve: Galerie Patrick Cramer, 1994], p. 35, n. 142). Our impression is a signed artist's proof (epreuve d'artiste). This may be the rarest of all Chagall's prints. Image size: 240x177mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Pour Vava plate 10: Jacob's dream (Cramer 1992, n.141). Original tampon sec (or scratch lithograph), 1984. This late work is part of a love note from Chagall to his wife, Vava (Valentina). Edition: 10 signed and numbered impressions. Chagall coated a stone with black lithographic ink, scatched a drawing into the ink with a sharp-pointed stylus, laid the paper face-down upon the stone and rubbed the reverse until the ink transferred to the paper (see William M. Ivins, Jr. How Prints Look (Boston: Beacon Press, 1958, p. 17). This work was shown in Nice in a celebration of Chagall's long collaboration with Gerald Cramer (see Patrick Cramer, Marc ChagallGerald Cramer, Trente ans de travail et d'amitie [Geneve: Galerie Patrick Cramer, 1994], p. 35, n. 141). Our impression is a signed artist's proof (epreuve d'artiste). This may be the rarest of all Chagall's prints. Image size: 240x177mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
The ladder (M. 200). Original color lithograph, 1957. 90 signed and numbered impressions plus 6000 unsigned impressions (of which this is one) published in a Jacques Laissaigne's Chagall (Paris, 1957). Unfortunately, there are forgeries of the signed and number impressions, so the unsigned imressions are a much safer (and less expensive!) purchase. Chagall has made several prints meditating on the Jacob's vision ladder of a ladder running from Heaven to earth and angels usingit to move from one to the other. This may be another one of them. Image size: 240x180mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Christ in the Clock (M. 196). Original color lithograph, 1957. 90 signed and numbered impressions plus 6000 unsigned impressions (of which this is one) published in a Jacques Laissaigne's Chagall (Paris, 1957). Unfortunately, there are forgeries of the signed and number impressions, so the unsigned imressions are a much safer (and less expensive!) purchase. The image seems to portray the people of Israel waiting for the coming of the Messiah. Image size: 240x210mm.Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Paysage au coq / Landscape with rooster (M. 208). Original color lithograph, 1958. 100 signed & numbered proofs plus c. 2000 unsigned proofs as published in the deluxe art review, Derrière le Miroir in 1958. One of Chagall's most important lithographs, it depicts a marriage scene and its aftermath. In the top center, we see a bride in wedding dress, her veil lifted off her face, standing under the traditional wedding canopy; in the forground, we see the celebration of the wedding, the coq, a bouquet of flowers in his tail, has planted himself "right in the middest" of the Paradisal garden of his spouse's body. Illustrated Nice 1987. Image size: 380x560mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Moses and his people (M. 689). Original color lithograph, 1973. .50 signed & numbered impressions + 10,000 unsigned impressions for the Message Biblique de Marc Chagall. Image size: 325x250mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
The village by night (D.L.M. 250, n. 27-28). Original color lithograph, 1950. c. 1000 impressions signed in the stone lower right corner. There was not a separate signed and numbered edition. This is one of the first two color lithographs that Chagall drew directly on the stone. Included in the 1982 catalogue raisonee of Derriere le Miroir as an original lithograph and mentioned as one of Chagall’s first two solo efforts at color lithography in a 1977 memoir by Aimee Maeght, Chagall’s dealer from 1950 on and the one who sent him to Mourlot’s lithography workshop to learn how to do all of the color stones for his lithographs, thereby starting a collaborative relationship with Charles Sorlier, master-printer at Mourlot, with whom he would work until his death in 1985. Image size: 256x196mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Man, Woman, and Angel (Cramer 99). Original color etching for a deluxe artist's book with text by the surrealist poet Louis Aragon with 25 original color etchings by Chagall. Celui qui dit les choses sans rien dire / Those who say things without saying anything was published in 1975 by Maeght Edituer (Chagall's dealer since 1950) in an edition of 225 on Rives paper watermarked ME. The editioned consisted of 25 copies numbered from 1/25 to 25/25 which contained a suited of the etchings on Japon paper signed and numbered by Chagall, 180 copies numbered from 26 to 205, and 20 HC copies reserved for the author and the collaborators numbered I to XX. Except for the 25 suites on Japon, none of the etchings was individually signed. Image size: 480x386mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
The little angel (M. 179). Original lithograph, 1957. 90 signed & numbered impressions plus 2500 unsigned impressions published in a special number of Derrière le Miroir dedicated to Chagall. Image size: 240x210mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Sur la terre des dieux / On the gods' earth II: Cupid and Psyche (M. 530). Original color lithograph, 1967. 120 unsigned impressions published in the deluxe artist's book of the same title containing 12 original color lithographs. Of those 120 portfolios, 20 reserved for the artist were on Japon numbered I/XX to XX/XX, 75 were on Arches (as ours) numbered from 1 to 75, and the remaining 25 also on Arches, were also reserved for the artist. Sur la terre des dieux was published in Paris by A. C. Mazo and printed at Atelier Mourlot by Chagall and Charles Sorlier. This work served as the conclusion to the brief text by Robert Marteau (which had been folded under for framing). The full size of the page is 650x500mm. Note the resemblance between the angel depicted in the image above (Man, Woman, and Angel) and Cupid, the God of Love, in this lithograph. Image size: 320x390mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
The Angel (M. 288). Original color lithograph, 1960. 100 numbered impressions on paper with large margins plus c. 2000 unsigned impressions trimmed to fit into Chagall Lithographe I. Printed by Mourlot Freres (Paris) and published by Andre Sauret Editeur, Monte Carlo. Image size: 325x250mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
The colors defeated me: the moon should be yellow, not green; the angel's wings are a mix of yellow and green (as shown), but the background should be less brown and more tan.
Frontispiece, Jerusalem Windows: The Tables of the Law (M. 365). Original color lithograph, 1962. Printed by Mourlot Freres (Paris) and published by Andre Sauret Editeur, Monte Carlo. Edition unknown. Image size: 296x215mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
The Jerusalem Windows: The Canlestick (M. 366). Original color lithograph, 1962. Printed by Mourlot Freres (Paris) and published by Andre Sauret Editeur, Monte Carlo in the deluxe edition of Chagall's Jerusalem Windows. Edition unknown. Image size: 296x215mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
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