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Last updated: 2/03/2017
On the right wall of the former sanctuary, we have ten pieces. Over the door is Couverture, Chagall Lithographe I (M. 261; 1960; our is an unfolded proof of the lithograph designed to serve as the cover to Chagall Lithographe I.
Couverture, Chagall Lithographe I (M. 281). Original color lithograph, 1960. 25 signed and numbered impressions on Arches and c. 2000 unsigned impressions for Chagall Lithographe I. This image served as the cover to the first volume of the catalogue raisonné of Chagall's lithographs. Ours is a rare unfolded proof of the front cover for Chagall Lithographe I in mint condition. Mat size: 20x30 inches. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Also available: Couverture, Chagall Lithographe I (M. 281). Original color lithograph, 1960. 25 signed and numbered impressions on Arches and c. 2000 unsigned impressions for Chagall Lithographe I. This image served as the cover to the first volume of the catalogue raisonné of Chagall's lithographs. It is rare to find an impression that is still clean enough and without major wear that the whole cover can be presented. Image size: 325x530mm. Mat size: 20x26 inches. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Beneath and to the right is Ball at the governor's house (Sorlier 82, Hannover 113). Original etching, 1923-27. 335 impressions signed in the plate + 33 HC. No hand-signed proofs exist. Illustrated Nice 1987. Image size: 213x305mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Sobakevich's house (Sorlier 32, Hannover 70). Original etching, 1923-27. 335 impressions signed in the plate + 33 HC. Illustrated in Meyer's Chagall's Graphic Works, Westfalen 1985, and in the 1988 Moscow Chagall Exhibition. No hand-signed proofs exist. Image size: 211x276mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Maiakovski (M. 387, Sorlier p. 45). Original color lithograph, 1963. 50 impressions on Arches plus 500 impressions with text for a celebration of the poet Maiakovski organized by Chagall. Note the little Cubist self-portrait lower right just above the printed signature. See also Chagall's Posters, p. 45. One of the rarest of Chagall's posters, most of which were produced in larger editions. Image size:685x500mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Top left: The satyr and the wanderer (H. 203, S. 151). Original etching, 1927-30. 100 pencil signed impressions, 85 hand-colored impressions, and 240 impressions (of which 40 are on japon paper) signed in the plate for The Fables of La Fontaine. Ours is a brilliant impression on japon. Image size: 296x238mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Top right: L'Ivroigne et sa Femme / The drunkard and his wife (H. 179, S. 166). Original etching, 1927-30. 100 pencil signed impressions, 85 hand-colored impressions, and 240 impressions (of which 40 are on japon paper) signed in the plate for The Fables of La Fontaine. The suffering wife is shown with the wings of an angel. Ours is a brilliant impression on japon paper. Remains of old hinges on the reverse. Image size: 296x238mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Bottom left: Les deux pigeons / The two doves (H. 233, S. 181). Original etching, 1927-30. 100 pencil signed impressions (of which this is one), 85 hand-colored impressions, and 240 impressions (of which 40 are on japon paper) signed in the plate for The Fables of La Fontaine. This image occurs as plate 87 in the Fables. Slightly matburned outside platemark. Image size: 296x240mm. Price: SOLD.
Bottom right: Lion et L'Ane Chassant (H. 192, S. 119). Original etching with hand coloring by Chagall, 1927-30. Plate 26 of The Fables of La Fontaine, commissioned by Vollard after Chagall completed the etchings for Dead Souls. 100 pencil signed impressions, 85 impressions hand-colored by Chagall, and 240 impressions (of which 40 are on japon paper) signed in the plate for The Fables of La Fontaine. Image size: 297x241mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
A view of the right side of the gallery from the loft.
This wall celebrates Chagall's continuing love affair with Paris (for full details, please go to Paris and Paris2.
Above is a beautiful color lithograph from 1964, Romeo and Juliet (Sorlier p. 96). Color lithograph by Charles Sorlier after Chagall's preliminary model for the Paris Opera House ceiling, 1964. 200 impressions on Arches paper without poster text signed and numbered by Chagall plus 5000 impressions with text commissioned by the Office of French Tourism. Chagall supervised the production of this work; one of the signed impressions sold at auction in 2006 for Please call or email for current pricing information. Image size: 650x1010mm. Price: SOLD.
Top row from left: Mother & child in front of Notre Dame (M. 82, 1952); Place de la Concorde (M. 83, 1952); Dimanche / On Sundays (M. 98, 1954); Night in Paris (M. 96, 1954); The tree of Jesse (M. 297, 1960).
Bottom row from left: The lovers' sky (M. 293, 1963); The Pantheon (M. 95, 1954); La vache bleue (M. 488, 1967); Mother & child by the Eiffel Tower (M. 94, 1954); Vision of Paris (M. 287, 1960).
The Magician of Paris (Sorlier p. 120). Color lithograph by Charles Sorlier for a major Chagall retrospective at the Grand Palais in Paris after a large lithograph by Chagall, 1970. The first edition was 6000 impressions; because the poster sold out during the exhibition, a second edition of 3500 was printed. Chagall supervised the production of this work. The entire poster is present but part of the text was covered by the mat when it was photographed. Light handling creases from being rolled. Image size: 550x400mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
This wall explores Chagall's self-portraits as artist and as lover, notice the frequent appearance of flowers and bouquets in his works. For complete details on the works in this part of the show (plus a number of additional examples of works employing these motifs, please go to Flowers and Flowers2, Lovers and Lovers2, Self-Portraits and Self-Portraits2. For a review of an earlier version of this show in our Madison WI gallery, please click here.
Top row from left: Lovers with red sun (M. 285, 1960); Harlequin with flowers (M. 578, 1969); The trap (M. 355, 1962); Pantomime (M. 649, 1972); Jour de Printemps / "Spring day" (M. 650, 1972).
Middle row from left: L'Inspire / The artist inspired (M. 398, 1963); The artist and the bouquet (M. 391, 1963); Devant Saint-Jeannet (M. 646, 1972: The artist, here with the head of a cock, paints a portrait of two lovers, giving the male the head of a horse); Double self-portrait I (M. 729a, 1974); Le Ballet: Daphnis et Chloe (M. 581, 1969).
Bottom row from left: Lovers for Chagall Lithographe I (M. 281a, 1960); L'Atelier Mourlot (M. 415b, 1964); Bouquet for Fernand (M. 635, 1972: signed working proof); Lovers for Berggruen (The offering) (M. 435 i/ii, 1965); Bouquet a l'oiseau (M. 298, 1960: with complimentary signature).
The mats are all antique white, but in order to get the images to appear closer to life, I had to change the balance of the individual parts of the composite photograph.
Top: Homme, Ange, et Femme sur la Terre / Man, Angel, Woman (Cramer 99, Original etching & aquatint, 1975-76; edition 225); for full information, click here.
Bottom, from left: Sur la terre des dieux / On the gods' earth I (M. 529). Original color lithograph, 1967. 120 unsigned impressions published in the deluxe artist's book of the same title containing 12 original color lithographs; Sur la terre des dieux / On the gods' earth II (M. 530). Original color lithograph, 1967. 120 unsigned impressions published in the deluxe artist's book of the same title containing 12 original color lithographs. For full information, click here.
The range of contrasts here is simply too extreme for me to make it coherent. Top row: the five images on the top row come from Maternité (1925-1926); from left they are Maternité I, Maternité II, Maternité III, Maternité IV, and Maternité V. For full information, please go to Maternité. Bottom row: the central image, Cain and Abel (M. 238; 1960), is from the 1960 Verve Bible; for full information please click here. The two left and the two right images come from Et sur la terre... a collaboration between Andre Malraux and Chagall in which Chagall provided 15 etchings to accompany a previously unpublished text by Nobel-Prize winner Malraux based upon his experiences on the Republican side during the Spanish Civil War; so far as I know they are Chagall's only attempts to present images of war; for full information, please go to Et sur la terre...
Visually Maternité begins with a young woman being escorted through a village by a policeman consequent to the discovery of her dead baby, proceeds backward to the birth of the baby, her father's anger when he discovers that his unmarried daughter is pregnant, the act of impregnation itself, and finally, her lover crawling in through the window before the initial act. The 10 prints thus explore the themes of birth and death, beginning with the murder of one of the first two children born into the world by the other, the model for all future murders and the first death in the world.
This wall, opposite the 1956 color Bible lithographs on the other wall of the entry to the gallery, presents fourteen of the 15 etchings for the Bible presently in our inventory plus the first two of the 1956 Bible lithographs that Chagall executed to accompany the first publication of his Etchings for the Bible. Of special note in this group is a one-of-a-kind hand-painted etching by Chagall as he tried to design the hand-colored version of Moses and Aaron before Pharoah (Sorlier 228, Hannover 305). Unlike the hand-colored etchings that were published as part of the edition and only include spot-coloring, ours is completely hand-painted on top of the etching, using the same colors that would be used for the edition but in different places. Technically, it could be described as a monoprint or more accurately a mixed-media work. Chagall's Etchings for the Bible were commissioned by Ambroise Vollard after Chagall had completed work on the Dead Souls (1923-1927) and The Fables of LaFontaine (1927-1930). Chagall worked on them from 1930 to 1939 (when he had to flee Europe to avoid death at the hands of the Nazi forces that had overrun France and were already rounding up all Jews, with particular attention paid to artists, writers, and composers), resumed work on the last ones in the series between 1952 and 1956 (after his return to France in 1950 following a 10-year stay in the US and Mexico).
For the Bible etchings, please go to Etchings for the Bible (1930-39, 1952-56), Bible Etchings 2, and Bible Etchings 3; for the first two of the 1956 Verve Lithographs for the Bible, please go to 1956 Verve Lithographs for the Bible.
Hanging this show has been a joy as we continue to experiment with how we can hang things in our still new venue. We are leaving this show up at least until February 19 (if the weather ever gets wintry, we may leave it up until spring). Although we are always happy to chat about works in our shows (or works not in the show but available for viewing in the gallery (about 9500 works in all), we are planning on offering informal gallery lectures on Chagall's works in the show on Sundays at 2 p.m. for the duration of the show.
As always, we ask you to please call to confirm before your visit.
Spaightwood Galleries, Inc.
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