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Spaightwood Galleries
Stanley William Hayter (English, 1901-1988)
Hayter is one of the key figures of the Surrealist movement both for his contributions as a printmaker and for his technical wizardry. Founder of Atelier 17, probably the most important print workshop of the middle third of the century, he worked with Chagall, Erenst, Giacometti, Lipchitz, and Miro. His early training as a chemist led him to one of the most important printing innovations of the 20th century, color viscosity printing, which allowed the use of multiple colors of different viscosity oil bases to be printed in the same poass through the press, and facilitating the growth in color etching between and after the World Wars. His prints, drawings, and paintings were explored the abstract side of Surrealism. By the time of his death, he was acknowledged as "by far the finest British printmaker of this century" (Guardian). Hayter's works are to be found in many important collections of modern art including the Museum of Modern Art and the Guggenheim Museum (NYC) and the Pompidou in Paris; his works have been shown at major museums and important galleries all over the world.
Bibliography: Works by Hayter: S. W. Hayter, New Ways Of Gravure (London, Oxford University Press, 1947; revised 1966) and About Prints (1962).
General works: Jean Cassou, Kenneth Armitage, SW Hayter, William Scott. March 1959 (Bruxelles: Palais des Beaux-Arts, 1959), Robert Douwma, Stanley William Hayter: Etchings and engravings printed in colours 1957-1987 (London: Robert Douwma Ltd., 1987), Andre Pieyre de Mandiargues, S.W. Hayter: Peintures 1940-1975 (Paris: Galerie de Seine, [1976]), The Neptune Gallery, S.W. Hayter. June-July 1975 (Dublin: The Neptune Gallery, 1975), Venezia Biennale 1958. British Pavillion. Sculpture & Drawings: Kenneth Armitage. Paintings & engravings: S.W. Hayter. Paintings: William Scott. Inroduction by Sir Herbert Read. (Venice: XXIX Biennale Venice, 1958),
Prints: Peter Black, Desiree Moorhead & Stanley William Hayter, The Prints of Stanley William Hayter: a complete catalogue (London: Moyer Bell Ltd., 1992), Harold Ernst Gallery, Stanley William Hayter Paintings, drawings, lithographs as exhibited at Musee d'Art Modern de la Ville de Paris. May 1973 (Boston: Harold Ernst Gallery, 1973).
Combat (Black/Moorhead 210). Original color etching and aquatint, 1953. 220 signed and numbered impressions printed by Hayter at Atelier 17 and published in 1953 by La Guide Internationale de la Gravure in Geneva. A fine impression with fresh colors; marginal matstain outside the plate mark. One of Hayter's masterpieces. Image size: 297x202mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Cheiromancy (Black/Moorhead 89). Original engraving, 1935. 30 signed and numbered impressions published in 1935 plus a second edition of 100 signed, numbered, titled, and dated by Hayter published by A.A.A. Printed at Atelier 17, Paris on Barcham Green handmade paper. Image size:197x150mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Third Person (Nostradamus, 1935) (Black/Moorhead 122). Original engraving, 1935. 21 signed and numbered impressions published in 1935 plus a second edition of 100 signed, numbered, titled, and dated by Hayter published by A.A.A. Printed at Atelier 17, Paris on Barcham Green handmade paper. Hayter incorrectly titled and dated this work for the second editionImage size:197x150mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Cirque (Black/Moorhead 78). Original engraving, 1933. 30 signed and numbered impressions published in 1935 plus a second edition of 100 signed, numbered, titled, and dated by Hayter published by A.A.A. Printed at Atelier 17, Paris on Barcham Green handmade paper. Image size:220x306mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Invocation (Black/Moorhead 127). Original engraving, 1939 30 signed and numbered impressions published in 1935 plus a second edition of 100 signed, numbered, titled, and dated by Hayter published by A.A.A. Printed at Atelier 17, Paris on Barcham Green handmade paper. Image size:156x113mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Espana (Black/Moorhead 129). Original engraving, 1935. 119 signed and numbered impressions published in 1935 plus a second edition of 100 signed, numbered, titled, and dated by Hayter published by A.A.A. Printed at Atelier 17, Paris on Barcham Green handmade paper. Image size:126x89mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Spaightwood Galleries, Inc.
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Visiting hours: Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Sunday noon to 6:00 pm and other times by arrangement. Please call to confirm your visit. Browsers and guests are welcome.