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Spaightwood Galleries
120 Main Street, Upton MA 01568-6193; 800-809-3343
German Expressionism was a very graphic movement and drawings play an important role in understanding it as well as enjoying it. We thought we would assemeble here the small group of drawings we have so far managed to acquire.
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (German, 1880-1938), Akt und sitzenden Weib / Nude and sitting woman. Pen and ink onlight tan paper, 1917. Signed and dated 1917 in ink lower left. For other examples of Kirchner's signature on ink drawings see, for example, Karlheinz Gabler, E. L. Kirchner Zeichnungen, Pastelle, Aquarelle (Aschaffenburg: Museum der Stadt Aschaffenburg, 1980), p. 129. Image size: 190x135mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Georg Tappert (German, 1880-1957), Nude. Original pencil drawing, c. 1923-33. This drawing seems to use the same model who appears in a 1927 etching, "Liegander Mädchenakt auf einem Tuch" (Wietek 228). Our drawing is annotated on the verso and signed by Tappert's widow, Annalise ("von Georg Tappert / Annalise Tappert"). See Wietek's 1980 monograph. Elisabeth was Tappert's second wife; she died in 1929. Image size: 230x150mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
While photographing this work, the lower right corner lifted up off the mat, resulting in the odd appearance of the drawing. In real life, it is perfectly flat as matted.
Georg Tappert (German, 1880-1957), Nude with mask. Original pencil drawing, c. 1923-29. This drawing seems to be related to a painting, "Elisabeth mit erhobener Maske" (W. 248). Our drawing is annotated on the verso and signed by Tappert's widow, Annalise ("von Georg Tappert / Annalise Tappert"). See Wietek's 1980 monograph. Image size: 166x140mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Georg Tappert (German, 1880-1957), Nude with mask II. Original pencil drawing, c. 1923-29. This drawing seems to be related to a painting, "Elisabeth mit erhobener Maske" (W. 248). Our drawing is annotated on the verso and signed by Tappert's widow, Annalise ("von Georg Tappert / Annalise Tappert"). See Wietek's 1980 monograph. Oil stains above head and to the right. Image size: 180x115mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Rudolf Schlichter (German, 1890-1955), Street Scene. Ink and wash on brown laid paper, 1935. Signed and dated in pen lower right. Schlichter was a friend of Georg Grosz, whose 1929 painting of him at work in his studio is reproduced in Bertrand Lorquin, Annette Vogel, and Hans Wilderotter, Allemagne, les année noires (Paris: Galliard, 2007), a wonderful exhibition catalogue that accompanied a show of the works of Otto Dix, Max Beckmann, Georg Grosz, and Ludwig Meidner at the Musée Maillol in Paris. Schlichter was also a close friend of Bertolt Brecht (whose portrait he painted), Kurt Weill, and Lotte Lenya. He was imprisoned by the Nazis for ridiculing them in a large painting. After his release, he painted an even larger attack upon the regime. I'm not sure how he survived. Image size: 321x220mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Hannah Höch (German, 1889-1978), Figurenstudien / Figure Study. Original ink drawing, c. 1930. Signed in ink lower right "H.H. " Image size: 88x56mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Hannah Höch (German, 1889-1978), Landschaftskomposition / Composition for a landscape. Original ink drawing, c. 1930. Signed in ink lower right "H.H." Image size: 145x66mm. Price: Please call or email for current pricing information.
Marc Chagall (Russia, 1887-1985, France), Moses and Aaron before Pharoah (H. 305, S. 228). Original monoprint with extensive hand coloring on top of an etching, 1931-39. Ours is a unique hand-painted trial proof before the edition of the hand-colored etching. In this proof, most of the colors that will be used in the final version are present, but they are not applied in the same places. For the finished print, there were 100 signed and numbered hand-colored proofs plus 295 black and white impressions signed in the plate. If we think of drawings as working thoughts toward a final product, this is a drawing; if we think of drawings as a way of thinking on paper, this is a drawing; if we think of drawings as self-sufficient works of art, this both is and is not a drawing. Here we see Chagall thinking about what a hand-colored etching might look like and in the process producing a beautiful one-of-a kind work, far more finished than the colored etching that would follow in which three or four areas were hand-colored via the use of stencils. Image size: 288x225mm. Price: SOLD.
Spaightwood Galleries, Inc.
To purchase, call us at 1-800-809-3343 (1-508-529-2511 in Upton MA & vicinity) or send an email to We accept AmericanExpress, DiscoverCard, MasterCard, and Visa.
For directions and visiting information, please call. We are, of course, always available over the web and by telephone (see above for contact information). Click the following for links to past shows and artists. For a visual tour of the gallery, please click here. For information about Andy Weiner and Sonja Hansard-Weiner, please click here. For a list of special offers currently available, see Specials.
Visiting hours: Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Sunday noon to 6:00 pm and other times by arrangement.
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