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120 Main Street, Upton MA 01568-6193
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Alexander Calder (American, 1898-1976)
Calder, one of the greatest sculptors of the twentieth century, invented the mobile, which has become omnipresent in our society. He also worked on fixed sculptures of varying sizes: one of his earliest works is a circus made out of small metal outline figures; toward the end of his life he produced a number of large monumental scuptures which his friend Joan Miró named "Stabiles" since they didn't move. Like Miró, Calder also made many lithographs and etchings. His graphic works capture the joy and spirit of pure color and movement.
Selected bibliograpy: Carmen Glimenez, Alexander S.C.Rower, Calvo Serraller, et al, Calder: Gravity and Grace. (London: Phaidon Press, 2004); Howard Greenfeld, The Essential Alexander Calder (Harry N. Abrams 2003); Gerard-Georges Lemaire, Alexander Calder (Barcelona, Spain: Ediciones Poligrafa S.A.,Spain, 2001); Jean Lipman, Alexander Calder and his Magical Mobiles (NY: Hudson Hills Press in association with the Whitney Museum of American Art, 1981); Richard Marshal, Alexander Calder: Sculpture of the Nineteen Thirties (NY: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1987); Joan Marter, Alexander Calder (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997); Thomas M. Messer, Alexander Calder: A Retrospective Exhibition (NY: Guggenheim 1964); Marla Prather, ed. Alexander Calder (Washington, D.C.: National Gallery of Art, 1998); Stephen Prokopoff and Albert E. Elsen, Alexander Calder : A Retrospective Exhibition : Work from 1925 to 1974 (Chicago: Museum of Contemporary Art, 1974); Bernice Rose, A Salute to Alexander Calder (NY: The Museum of Modern Art, 1969); John Russell, Alexander Calder (London: Royal Academy of Arts, 1992; G. San Lazzaro, & Alexander Calder, Homage to Alexander Calder: Special Issue of the XX Siecle Review (NY: Tudor Publishing, 1972); James Johnson Sweeney, Alexander Calder (NY: Museum Of Modern Art, 1943); Petra Waltke-Lampmann, Alexander Calder, Hellebardenträger : Eine Kunst-Monographie (Frankfurt: Insel Verlag, 1995).
Flight. Original color serigraph, 1970. 250 signed & numbered impressions on Arches paper (plus 50 impressions on Crisbrook Waterleaf). This work was donated to help raise funds for the International Rescue Committee which was dedicated to help rescue artists, writers, musicians, and intellectuals in imminent danger of political, repression. Miró, Motherwell, and Chagall, who had been saved from the Nazis in 1940 after the fall of France by an earlier version of the group, also contributed to the portfolio. The piece is in very good condition with no flaws. Image size: 647x500mm. Price: SOLD.
Spaightwood Galleries is pleased to announce the recent acquisition of Alexander Calder’s contribution to the 1972 election campaign, McGovern for McGovernment, an original color lithograph executed in 1971 at the Styria Studios (with their seal) as a fund-rasining contribution to George McGovern. The work is printed on paper measuring 877x600mm published in an edition of 200 pencil-signed and numbered impressions plus an unknown number of artist's proofs, of which ours is one. The print has just returned from restoration and is in good condition. Calder, who was fiercly opposed to the war in Vietnam, created this print as a response to the dour Nixon. Image size: 880x603mm. Price: SOLD.
Spaightwood Galleries is pleased to announce the return from restoration of Alexander Calder’s Mountains, an original color lithograph executed in 1971. The work is printed on paper measuring 570x773mm published in an edition of 110 pencil-signed and numbered impressions, of which ours is 105/110. The print has deacidified, washed, and old tape on the verso has been removed. With the exception of a slightly discolored area about 1 inch below the top border of the print (here invisible because it is underneath the top mat), the print is in good condition. Image size: 570x773mm. Price: SOLD.
For many years Calder was represented in France by Galerie Maeght and he made many original lithographs that were published in the oversize publication of the gallery, Derriére le Miroir. We have almost all of them and would be happy to add them to thispage on request.
Spaightwood Galleries, Inc.
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Visiting hours: Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Sunday noon to 6:00 pm and other times by arrangement.
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